
October 9, 2022

What's new

Full support of Skew in Figma. More posibilities for cool animations are here. Fully compatible with Skewdat and other similar plug-ins.

Export to SVG
Forgotten technology of the Ancients. Export your animations into animated SVGs. And then use it on the web instead of gifs and lottie files.
More documentation will be available soon.

Project tabs
Switch between multiple projects on the fly.


• custom scrollbar in properties panel;
• project deletion confirmation.


• dark theme colors;
• saving the project working more confidently and quickly;
• time indicators dispersion on timeline;
• UX when navigating through all projects in current Figma file.


• issue when plugin crashed when scale equal to 0;
• issue when complex projects started flickering;
• mp4 renderer compability with other compositing tools like AE and DaVinci Resolve;
• issue when flipped groups horizontally or vertically imported incorrectly;
• issue when timeline not scrolled in some cases.


• project loading;
• project saving.