June 30, 2022
🔥 What's new
Trim path
Whole new world of possibilities are open from now.
Animated colors for animation specs
Now developers can see how colors are animated. It's restricted only for Solid colors but we are working to bring gradients to it too.
Export queue
Setup bunch of presets and export them in a one click.
Quick layer selection
Use "Enter" and "⇧Enter" to selected children/parent layers. Like in Figma.
Copy-paste of keyframes between layers
• new: an experimental feature with a ghost time slider on the timeline. Its purpose is to help you navigate between segments and keyframes;
• improved: the size of the playback buttons has been increased;
• improved: the size of the timeline resizing handlers has been reduced. Sometimes the user would click the button and resize the timeline instead of moving the keyframes and time slider;
• improved: renderer optimized;
• improved: viewport layer selections and highlighting of selected layers;
• improved: exporting states and user feedback. Now it's more clear what's going on;
• improved: UX when opening projects;
• fixed: lottie paths and improved lottie rendering in general;
• fixed: lock axis when holding shift;
• fixed: other minor issues.