
November 21, 2021

🔥 What's new

⚡️ Added auto transitions
Auto transition working in the same way as Smart Animate in Figma. Just select multiple frames before import them into project.

Added copy paste segments and keyframes
Currently it works only in context of one layer. So if you select and copy keyframe on one layer then you can paste keyframe on the same layer.

Added multiple selection on timeline
Now with drag and drop on timeline you can select multiple keyframes.

Added support of all image types
You can import Fill, Fit, Crop and Tile image types.


• fixed: issue when copied frame in Figma linked to the same project in Aninix;
• fixed: letter spacing in font layers;
• fixed: issue when timeline dissaper on hotkeys zoom-in and zoom-out;
• fixed: issue when corner radius in big values morph shapes too much;
• fixed: issue when images not appear in exports;
• improved: plugin speed. We've rebuild undo/redo algorithm;
• and more minor bugs fixed.